Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Part 2 Harriman TN: The Investigation

This is Part 2 of our blog about Harriman Hospital in Harriman TN. For the history of the hospital/town please look back at Part 1.

We arrived in Harriman a few hours before the investigation in order to walk around the building and take some photos outside. While there had already been several investigations at Harriman Hospital this day was the official Grand Opening. We knew being a public investigation we would have little control over when and where we investigated so we did not go into the investigation with plans, rather we saw it as an exciting opportunity to get in to a new location, to scout for when we do eventually return for a private investigation, and also meet the special guests Richard Estep and J. B. Coates. 

The event was well organized starting with an introduction and history of the building, moving on to the always appreciated pizza, and finally the investigation. Meg and I were in the red group (there were four groups which would rotate through the four different designated locations). Volunteers brought each group to their location while other volunteers were specifically assigned to the location to help facilitate investigating. I will say that part of what I like most about public investigations is having people of all different skill/knowledge levels. Some people had their own equipment and others were along for the ride looking to learn about investigating.

As stated above since this was public Meg and I didn't have any specific plans. For the rest of the post I will share some links to short videos I uploaded on TikTok of Evps and notable interactions. At the end will be several Youtube videos with video from the night including an angry spirit turning off Meg's camera, me being pushed, and a fantastic Estes Method Communication with a child spirit named April.

Our first stop was in the A3 Hall:

As we were walking in the hall we recorded an evp that sounds like a child's voice saying "Hear Me."

"Hear Me" EVP

Once we reached the hall our group broke off exploring down the main hall and nurse station as well as a second hall. Most of our investigating was at the nurse station because  it is believed a nurse named Joanna haunts that location. Joanna worked for years at the hospital and sadly passed away of a heart related ailment at the hospital. After her passing her fellow coworkers would remark that they felt her presence still.  Furthermore just days earlier a video was shared from that nurse station of a dark shadow figure moving in and out of the camera's view. 

Several in the group thought they saw shadows moving but we did not  record any shadow figures however when teasing that someone was sitting in Joanna's chair we recorded an EVP.

"Get Out" EVP

Meg also at one point used her experience of being in the hospital to take a moment to thank Joanna, and any other staff who still remain. 

"Me too" EVP

The second location we went to we also got to investigate with special guest J. B. Coates. While sitting outside the morgue of the hospital we conducted an Estes Method session using the Spiritus App. While one member of the group sat in the morgue isolated the rest of us were in the hall outside of radiology.  Earlier in the session a spirit had said to stop filming. At the time I turned off one video camera but Meg still had her body camera and I eventually turned my video camera back on.... then this happened.

"Beep" Spiritus Estes Method

Our third location was outside the recovery room where Billy and Tonya from the Nightstalkers were waiting to help guide the interactions. 

At first we sat in the hall listening to the building before breaking off in to the recovery room to use our SBox. Meg put on her headphones and closed her eyes as she listened to the box and I stood by the desk. As I was standing against the desk I felt a push on my right shoulder and moved forward a little. I asked if someone was with us and Meg responded "hopefully" and then "I can see you." Here is a short clip and the full exchange will be below in the youtube video.

Pushed from behind

The fourth location was split between the operating rooms and a hall said to be haunted by a child spirit named April. There Terry, Chris, and Steven from Mid-Tenn Paranormal were waiting.  We began in April's hall with an S-Box session where Meg took the headphones and blindfolded herself as well. This is just a moment of the exchange the whole session will be in the youtube videos and is definitely worth the watch!

Accurate answer from April

I tried to upload one video to youtube but my computer is not cooperating so it will be four separate videos.

Video 1: This is part one of our Estes Method communication with April.

Video 2: You guessed it- part two with April.

Video 3: Part three with April and some really fantastic interactions.

Video 4: This video is a compilation of our different experiences in Harriman Hospital and includes some evps, Meg's camera being shut off, and me being pushed in the recovery room.

Thank you for watching please like and subscribe we are on facebook, twitter, tiktokinstagram, and youtube.