I'm the person you represent. I voted for you (or didn't vote for you) and you are in the position you are in to act on my behalf. You are supposed to be voting, legislating, judging, debating, balancing, forming policy, speaking, and acting in my best interest. When you sit in your office taking phone calls and having meetings you should be asking yourself 'is this what my constituents sent me here to do?'
That's right, your constituents! Not your party or your special interest group but me, us, them, those people, or the ones back home. We are all different and you need to find a way to represent all of us. It's not easy but it is the job you signed up for knowingly.
Who am I? I'm a Republican Conservative Democrat with Libertarian tendencies. I'm middle . . .middle class, middle income, middle of the road, middle America, and somewhere near the middle politically. I'm a fiscal conservative but a social democrat.
I don't know where I stand on all the issues but I know where I stand on many. I'm willing to listen and learn about the ones were I am undecided. And you know what? I am willing to change my mind. That's right. Over time my political, economic, and social opinions change. Maybe you should try that. . . you know being open to listening. Maybe then something can get done.
I'm tired. I'm tired of the blaming, demonizing, speaking down to, and talking badly. Which, by the way, seems to be all politicians do these days. Because when you start insulting nothing gets done. People just stop listening. When you trash the people who disagree with you I hope you realize you are trashing the people you represent. No one agrees on every issue. If you can't handle difference maturely and in a productive manner then you don't belong in politics. (Side note: that means most of you don't belong in politics).
I don't want to be told what I should think, or what's best for me. I don't want to be demonized for disagreeing or made to feel like I am a mean uncaring person. I'm not, I just disagree on the means to get to an end.
I don't want to be judged by the worst of those who identify with my group (whatever group that may be take your pick). No one wants that. So don't paint a broad picture by saying everyone in that group must be like the worst. That is negative stereo typing. Whatever little box you want to paint me in because of my views, opinions, beliefs, hobbies, education, or work don't bother. I don't fit in your box. I am sure of that much.
I don't want politicians to continue behaving badly and use 'well the others started it' or 'it's what has always been done' or ' they did it to us.' as an excuse.
I want respect. I respect the fact that there are many people who like things I don't, believe things I don't, and enjoy things I don't. That's fine. That's America. Our differences make us a unique country. But then let's make that mutual. Don't disparage me for liking things you don't, believing things you don't, and enjoying things you don't. Differences don't have to mean we can't get along. It means we are different.
I want to believe that things are going to get better. I haven't seen that. I feel like I am in a hole that is getting dug around me and under me and it is getting bigger and bigger.
I was at the mall yesterday and saw a news stand (so called). It had no magazines or newspapers. It only sold lotto and candy. I laughed at it. And questioned why it even called itself a news stand. But you know what? It is very fitting. Today we have all these 24 hour news channels but all they are is candy, sweet and sour. There is no more real news and facts on those channels than there were at that stand. Just a lot of distraction.
So before you give your next speech filled with insults at the other party, or sarcastic comments, or attempts at humanizing yourself and identifying with me- stop. Your actions could do a lot more than a speech. Don't come to a debate with your mind made up. You need to negotiate. You need to be ready to listen to each side's view and willing to consider if one side sees unintended consequences of action they need to be considered not just ignored. Don't just say how wrong or evil the other party's plan is. Tell me what your plan is. Tell me how it is different and tell me why. I want to hear your policy and your plan; not how it isn't the other sides policy and plan, not why the other side is wrong, and not why you are right. I want the facts. Give me comparison of means and ends when you talk about your plan versus a different plan. Give me something that is concrete. How can I support or not support something when you won't even give me the details of what I am supposed to be choosing.
And now, dear politicians, I have something else to say. If you are reading this and thinking that I am only talking about the politicians on the other side of the aisle from you then you missed the point. I'm talking about all of you. Both sides of the aisle and all parties.
Your Constituent.